Friday, December 31, 2010
Christmas Is Over...
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas, A Story In Pictures
Friday, December 24, 2010
2010, According To Emma
I have been a very good dog this year. Are you listening, Santa? I sure hope so!
I was good when Leah brought home a puppy….a Puppy! And this puppy is Not A Beagle! She’s more like a Badger, fierce and fluffy. The fluffy part is more Pomeranian, I guess. I let her sit next to me on the couch and take my favorite toys, and Sarah Beagle and I even play chase with her in the yard.
I was good when we packed up our car and trailer and drove way down to San Francisco, camping all the way. Leah’s puppy Olive is a very car sick companion. Did I complain when she got sick all over our dog blankets? Well, maybe just a little. I didn’t get scared walking through the Dinosaur Park to see life sized dinosaurs (I kept telling the other girls they weren’t real). I only ran away once on our trip and it was technically just to the car. And even though I had to skip Alcatraz (no dogs allowed, can you believe that?) Mom and I and Sarah Beagle and Olive Badger had fun at our hotel while Dad, David, and Leah walked those ghostly halls. And frankly, since I’m a bit nervous of ghosts, I wasn’t too sad to miss that tour.
I have been very good when Leah has practiced her piano all day long. I don’t bark or howl or beg to watch TV. I just sit on the couch ever so nicely and enjoy her music.
I have been super good when David got into the driver’s seat of our family car and started driving us around. I’ve been so much better than Mom! Mom acts all calm and cool, but we all can tell she’s a nervous wreck.
I’ve been good while Dad did his work thing, his motorcycle things, his working on old truck things. I’ve been good while Mom did her blog thing, her PTA thing, and all her work things (although I do not appreciate it when she mops the floor. As hard as I try, I can’t get around the wet floors without getting my paws wet!) I’ve been good while David and Leah did their school thing (10th grade and 8th grade seem to be lots of homework) and David did his making Animal Farm into a movie thing and Leah did her money raising things for a 2011 spring break trip to Washington DC.
Now it’s Christmas time and I am being extra, extra good. Ever since the tree went up in our house, I knew the countdown to December 25 is on. Oh how I love Christmas!
I’ve been patiently explaining to Olive Badger all about Christmas and presents and our stockings that get filled after we’ve gone to bed on Christmas Eve… She insists that a guy in a red suit, sneaking into our house, is not something Sarah Beagle and I should have allowed. Olive is a great watch dog, by the way. Kind of reminds me of me when I was a pup, so worried about this guy called Santa.
I’ve told her over and over, Santa even remembers dogs on Christmas! Even sometimes naughty dogs who help themselves to food off the table or chew up parts of uniforms or bark at three in the morning just because they can. Santa’s great like that.