Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Is Bad For Dogs

This holiday, this "Halloween", is designed to make dogs unhappy.

First, there is the awful possibility that your parents will shove you into an uncomfortable, unbreathable costume. I'm ashamed to say I speak from experience. Dog Dracula, anyone? The stores are full of pet costumes. I had to wear a full cape. Try going the the bathroom in a cape! Not for the faint of heart.

Second, and this is only second because of how it came to mind. It is equal to the first in horror. There are bowls of treats everywhere. And not one drop should go to dogs.

Oh, the inhumanity! To hear my family's hands rustling around in that big bowl of yumminess, knowing full well that nine times out of ten, they will sit down with CHOCOLATE candy.

Chocolate! Something no amount of sad, begging, puppy eyes will get me.

Thank goodness Grandma Mary makes divine caramel corn every year.

If I'm very lucky, and sit pretty, I will get a piece of that.

If it weren't for the caramel corn, I'd say we should ban this holiday. But, I'll be honest. That corn is so good, one piece, ONE piece, is worth the rest of the Halloween horrors!

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